
Three Modern-Day Blood Libels Against Israel

Wednesday, July 14th, 2021 | 5:30 PM

  • Three Modern-Day Blood Libels Against Israel: Apartheid, Disease, and Baby Killing in Gaza.

    Also discussion on the subtle yet undeniable transition from Anti-Semitism to outright Jew-Hatred in the US and elsewhere.

    Recent months have seen an extraordinary rise in the Jewish State being accused of enormous crimes, using the language of international law and human rights. We will look at the actual rules and sources of international law to assess if these are credible claims, or modern blood libels. What impact has all this had in facilitating the rise of Jew-Hatred and unfettered attacks on Jews in broad daylight in the US and elsewhere.

    What happens when you mainstream Jew-Hatred by congressional action and speech.

    Wednesday, July 14th | 5:30 PM

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