Welcome to Our Shabbat Services

  • Hebrew/English Prayer books
  • Spirited Prayers
  • Kiddush buffet following Shabbat day services

Friday Night

Please email Rabbi Mendel Mintz to see if there is Friday night Services and times

Shabbat Morning

10:00am Followed by Kiddush lunch

If you would like to schedule a minyan, please visit Minyan Maker.

To sponsor a Kiddush in honor of a special occasion or in memory of a loved one, please contact the center at 970-544-3770.

If you need a Minyan to say Kaddish for a Yartzeit, please contact  Rabbi Mendel Mintz and he will be happy to make special arrangements.


All services @ The Jewish Community Center
435 West Main Street on the corner of 4th & Main streets, entrance on 4th Street.